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진공장비 - OLED

OLED Cluster System (Cluster Type)


  • 카달로그 다운로드
  • OLED cluster system can be applied to make a mono and full color lighting system.
    This system enables to deposit an of organic, alkali metal and metal.
    And mask exchange mechanism are available in process chamber.

    Specification Process module : 2 modules for organic & metal evaporator
    Transfer module : vacuum robot & degassing module
    Source :
    - organic 9 ea middle temp source(~ 700 ℃) in each chamber
    - metal source 3 ea in each chamber
    - max 4 materials co-deposition
    Deposition rate control: ≤ 0.1A/s
    Mask change module: 3- mask auto changer in process chamber,
    pin align type (±100 ㎛)
    Base pressure :
    - Process chamber ≤ 1 x 10-7 torr
    - Transfer chamber ≤ 1 x 10-6 torr
    Sample size: 100 x 100mm ~ 200 x 200mm
    Glove box : 2 workstation (4 port glove), O₂, H₂O ≦ 1 ppm
    Spin coater, Dispenser, UV curing: optional
    Software interfaces : HMI programing base GUI software
    Application PMOLED and AMOLED deposition on substrate and glass substrate.
    Organic material system for R&D .